Executive By-Election
TU Dublin SU By-Election
TU Dublin Students' Union is running a by-election for two separate positions: VP for Welfare & Equality (Full-Time) and Postgraduate Officer (Part-Time). These positions are paid with a role description. In the Full-Time Officer role the elected student will be taking time off between their studies to work full-time for the Students' Union. The Postgraduate Officer can take on the role while they are studying and timesheet the hours that they work for the Students' Union.
You can find out more about each of the positions here.
Both these positions are now open until 12 noon on the 28th of March.

What are Executive Elections?
The Executive is the name given to the team of Full-Time officers . In TU Dublin Students’ Union (SU) the Officer Elections are a vote that happen every year, where all students of TU Dublin get to vote for who they would like to lead the TU Dublin SU for the next Academic Year.
Ever wondered what a year in TU Dublin SU looks like as an elected Officer? Find out in the
TU Dublin Students’ Union Spotlight: The Year in Review

Open the PDF below that outlines the Post Specification for all TU Dublin SU Full-Time and Part-Time Officer Positions.
These roles provide exceptional experience and insight in various areas that will set you up for success in the working world such as:
- Governance
- Leadership
- Human Resources
- Campaigning
- Representation
- Advocacy
Full-Time Officer Package
TU Dublin SU offers an attractive and competitive package to officers who are successful in the election:
- President: approx €35,000 per annum.
- Vice-Presidents: approx €34,000 per annum.
- Work Phone & Laptop.
- Other Perks and Benefits:
In the role as a Full Time Officer at the Students’ Union you will be presented with a variation of supports and benefits including but not limited to:- High Quality Leadership Training
- Full-Time Staff Support
- Employee Assistance Programme
- All-expenses paid work trips.
- Networking Opportunities.

The term of Office for the Full-time Officers runs from July 1st to June 30th . These positions are open to all registered TU Dublin students to consider.
There are some specific restrictions as follows
For the Campus Vice President (VP) positions, candidates must be registered on a Programme that is primarily based on the specific campus where they are running for election – e.g., in Blanchardstown for the Blanchardstown Campus VP position, in Aungier St, BIMM, Bolton St or Grangegorman Campus for the City Campus VP position, and in Tallaght for the Tallaght Campus VP position.
Here’s what you need to do!
- Decide what position you are interested in: Remember, you can only be nominated for one position.
- Write your Manifesto: this is the document that tells students what you hope to achieve if elected, outlines your experience, skills, passion, why you are the right person to lead the Union etc.
- Find your Campaign Manager: this is the student who will help you to organise and run your Election Campaign and must be a currently registered TU Dublin student.
- Get the required number of TU Dublin students needed to formally ‘nominate’ you. Candidates for all positions must get nominated by current students, these are called ‘Proposers’, and are students who support you running as a candidate, and they must sign your Nomination Form. Proposers must be registered TU Dublin students. For Full-Time positions you need 75 ‘Proposers’.
- Complete the Nomination Form: the nominations form can be found here.
- Get your Proposers details, write your Manifesto and get Election Photo: Send all to elections@tudublinsu.ie before the close of Nominations.
- NOTE: Late / incomplete nominations cannot be accepted – for a successful nomination you need to have filled out the Nomination form correctly and the documents must be received before the deadline.
After the close of Nominations, you must:
- Attend the Candidates meeting with your Campaign Manager.
- Start Campaigning after the candidates meeting!
Each candidate is allocated a budget for promotional activities. This will be explained in detail at the Candidates meeting - Attend the ‘Leadership Debate’.
- Voting takes place on all on all TU Dublin campuses.
- The Votes will be counted and the names of the successful candidates who will lead the Students’ Union will be announced thereafter.