Job opportunity: TU Dublin SU CLG Board of Directors

TU Dublin SU CLG Board of Directors
TU Dublin SU CLG is the organisation through which the Students’ Union provides services to its membership, provides professional support to the Union’s officers and administers the Union’s business affairs in a professional and transparent manner. The Company employs a team of professional staff which is led by a General Manager.
Fundamental to the role of being a Board member is the understanding of the values and ethos of TU Dublin Students' Union.
Company affairs are overseen by a board of directors comprising 8 directors selected by the student body and 5 directors selected externally. The board is responsible for setting and overseeing strategy to give effect to the policy goals of the union, ensuring the ongoing financial management and stability of the company, and compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements. The Board meets 6 to 8 times per year. In addition, there are sub-committees of the Board which also meet a number of times during the year.
TU Dublin SU CLG is currently recruiting two directors selected externally.
The Board includes directors selected externally, taking into account diversity including gender balance, and with a view to bringing the following to its decision-making processes:
- A greater degree of objectivity and impartiality;
- A wider breadth of experience and contacts;
- Stability in view of the transient nature of student membership;
- Range of experience within one of the following: human resources, organisation design and strategy and financial management;
- Work with student directors to strengthen relationships on the Board.
The following exclusions will apply to candidate selection:
- Is, or has been a student of TU Dublin within the last 4 years
- Is, or has been an employee of the company within the last 4 years
- Has, or has had, within the last 4 years, a material business relationship with the company – either directly or as a shareholder, director or senior employee of a body that has a relationship with the company.
- Currently receives additional remuneration from the company, apart from a directors’ fee or is a member of the company’s pension scheme
- Has close family ties with any of the company’s advisors, directors or senior employees
- Holds cross-directorships or has significant links with other directors through involvement with other companies or bodies.
Term Limits and Succession
All directors selected externally will be appointed for one term of 3 years with the option of a second term up to a maximum of 6 years.
It is company policy to retain successful Directors selected externally, especially in light of the shorter appointment period of Directors elected or appointed from the student body. However, the application of term limits provides a mechanism for refreshing talent and ensuring the skills profiles of Directors continues to match company requirements.
Meeting fee
All directors selected externally will receive a meeting fee of €50.
How to apply
Expressions of interests which should include a CV and a cover letter outlining the reasons for one’s application should be emailed to recruitment@tudublinsu.ieby 11 a.m. on Wednesday 5th June 2024.
Interviews will be scheduled on Friday 14th June 2024 – morning or afternoon. Further details will be shared with the shortlisted candidates.