Class Reps

What are Class Reps?
Class Reps are the foundation on which TU Dublin Students' Union is built. Each class is normally entitled to one Class Rep, elected by the class at the start of each academic year.
The Class Rep is the person who represents the interests, opinions, and concerns of the class to the Students' Union and to the university. They are members of their specific Programme Committee/Board, where they ensure that the ‘student voice’ is heard. Always remember that students are one of the main stakeholders of TU Dublin, without them TU Dublin would not exist!
Class Reps are elected ‘student voice ‘of the class and the essential link between
- Students in your class and wider population
- The Academics in your School and Faculty
- TU Dublin in general
- Your Students’ Union
It’s important that you are actively involved in the TU Dublin Students’ Union, keeping in touch with the officers and staff. This will ensure that we are up to speed on how your class is getting on, how we can assist (or lobby on your behalf if necessary) and therefore improve programme quality and the overall student experience for all students.
Class Reps gather feedback from their class and express these views to TU Dublin and to the Students’ Union and follow up with solutions and feedback back to the class. This flow of information is crucial as it enables us to be responsive to student needs and it strengthens the power of the Union to lobby for improvements.
As a Class Rep, you are an important point of contact for students to get the info on all TU Dublin Students' Union Activities, campaigns, events and protests, without you helping us get the word out our reach would be nowhere near as effective. So, you should stay informed and keep your finger on the pulse.
Each Class Rep is also a member of the Programme Committee/Course Boards. Students are entitled to have a say in how their programme is run; and when Reps attend these meetings, they can raise issues, give feedback, and make suggestions. Reps can flag problems and assist in resolving them, and in doing so improve the quality of the programme and the overall learning experience of all students.