Your Union
TU Dublin Students’ Union serves as the independent and democratic voice for nearly 27,000 students at TU Dublin.
Tracing its roots to the Irish student movement, TU Dublin Students’ Union evolved from the early Student Representative Councils of the late 1950s to the pioneering Irish Students’ Unions of the late 1960s and early 1970s. The union is affiliated with USI (the Union of Students in Ireland), the national representative body for students in Ireland.
TU Dublin Students’ Union upholds a proud tradition of advocacy, representation, and the promotion of students' interests. Membership is automatic for all TU Dublin students.
The operational functions of TU Dublin Students’ Union are managed by a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG), owned by the students of TU Dublin through their union membership.
TU Dublin Students’ Union – Mission, Vision, Values
TU Dublin Students’ Union is the independent representative organisation for students at the Technological University Dublin (hereinafter referred to as ‘TU Dublin’ or ‘the University’). TU Dublin Students’ Union acts in the best interests of its members, to advance and defend their rights, primarily in relation to their education and welfare as TU Dublin students, and as citizens.
TU Dublin Students’ Union wants to ensure that each TU Dublin student will have a positive and transformative experience to assist them in reaching their full potential academically, socially, and professionally, and to develop as ethical and informed individuals.
TU Dublin Students’ Union is student-led, democratic, inclusive, transparent, accountable, ethical, respectful, empowering, and professional.