TU Dublin SU endeavours to protect the rights of all students it holds data on - both with regard to the retention and disposal of data, as well as providing the means for students to request access to any information held on them.


TU Dublin SU Data Protection Policy


While carrying out our various functions and activities, TU Dublin SU collects information from individuals and external organisations and generates a wide range of data which is recorded and maintained. The purpose of this policy is to enable the SU to:

  • Demonstrate its commitment to the proper handling of personal data.
  • Comply with Data Protection law.
  • Protect the organisation from the consequences of any breach of its statutory and common law responsibilities.
  • Encourage and support a culture of best practise within data protection.
You can find our general Data Protection Policy here.

If you wish to make a data access request pursuant to Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and, or section 91 of the Data Protection Act 2018, please download this form, fill it in and send it to the General Manager of TU Dublin SU CLG (jessica.gallagher@tudublinsu.ie). 


TU Dublin SU MSL Website User Policy

Student Data

Third party ‘Memberships Solutions Limited (‘MSL’) provide an information management system to link in with TU Dublin's student record system – personal data of students is not directly accessible by us (TU Dublin SU). MSL are bound by contract stating that personal information will not be modified, deleted, or shared, without the instructions of TU Dublin SU, or used for any purpose other than that specified by us (TU Dublin SU). Both TU Dublin SU & MSL are contractually obliged to abide by GDPR.

MSL maintains a storage bucket on Amazon S3 used as a staging area for data uploads. This file is uploaded on a regular basis (once per day, usually overnight) using Windows - S3.exe (s3tools.org).

Currently the only data we receive from TU Dublin is the student name and student number, this is to ensure that the student attempting log-in is a registered student with TU Dublin. This has been agreed between TU Dublin SU and TU Dublin. The SSO data is continuously updating so any users that are no longer registered are deleted. If students set up profiles, data information will be kept in accordance with our Data Protection policy.


The storage bucket is locked to Amazon’s EU data region and is set up with ‘at rest’ encryption.  The data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and is fully patched and firewalled. The only remote access is via remote desktop and this is strictly limited to trained MSL staff. All access attempts are logged and MSL regularly review procedures to ensure high levels of security.

Opt Out

Students have full control over their data and can opt out from the SSO at anytime through the email address mydata@tudublinsu.ie.


Social Media User Guidelines

By commenting on our social media accounts you are indicating that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the ‘Community Guidelines’ set out above. We hope that all users will recognise the Students’ Union’s responsibility to adopt such guidelines and the need for users to follow them. We look forward to seeing you online! 

Read full User Guidelines here.