


The Student Council of the Union will delegate the day-to-day operation of the Union to the Executive which will be made up of the Full-Time officers of the Union. The Executive will be chaired by the President and will meet at least once a month. The quorum of the Executive will be 50% plus one of the membership which shall observe the Standing Orders of the Union. Decisions at the Executive will be by simple majority of those present

- TU Dublin SU Constitution (2023), Article 6.6

TU Dublin Students Union (SU) Executive is made up of eight full-time officers, undertaking specific duties and responsibilities in targeted areas that seek to promote and advocate for students. With the President as the overall chief spokesperson of the Union, four other overall roles work under the remit of the President representing students in their work area, these are: the VP for Academic Affairs, VP for Events and Engagement, VP for Communications and Media and VP for Welfare and Equality.  

The final three positions within the Executive are geographically-based, whom represent, but are not exclusive to, the three core campus areas of TU Dublin. These geographically-based Officers are known as: Campus VP for Blanchardstown Campus, Campus VP for City Campus and Campus VP for Tallaght Campus.   


President- Shauna O’Toole 

VP for Academic Affairs- Sheran Bahadir 

VP Communications and Media- Ema Radlinskaite 

VP for Welfare & Equality- Fatima Said 

VP for Events & Engagement- Princewill Aguele 

VP for Blanchardstown- Esmeraldi Doda   

VP for Tallaght- Naomi Sebastine 

VP for City- Peter McCann 


The Executive (Full-Time Officers) Meeting Memos and Minutes

The Executive, made up of the TU Dublin SU Full-Time Officers, have weekly meetings every Tuesday. below you can find the reports and meeting notes from these meetings. 

Semester 1 AY 23/24:

Semester 2 AY 23/24: