Student Council is the main decision-making body for TU Dublin Students’ Union. Student Councillors are elected from across all campuses and there are 101 council members in total. Student Council consists of:

  • Full-Time Officers (elected by students)
  • Postgraduate Officer (elected by postgraduate students)
  • Part-Time Officers (elected by Student Council)
  • Student Councillors (elected by Class Representatives of each campus).

Student Councillors attend approximately 7 meetings in an academic year together with 100 other council members to debate and discuss critical student issues and hold the Students’ Union accountable. In Student Council, you can make a true change – you can bring forward issues that you find important to student life for your Students’ Union to work on. You will also meet other students from different courses and campuses, have fun together at the after meetings and it is a great way to get involved in student life. 

Councillors debate motions and policies and oversee the work of the Students’ Union. All elected officers report on their work at each Student Council meeting and answer questions on their activities and campaigns.  

What is Student Council?

Student Council is the main decision making body for TU Dublin Students’ Union. Students Councillors are elected from across all campuses and there are 101 council members in total. 

The positions available per campus are as follows:

  • Aungier Street – 12
  • Blanchardstown – 15
  • Bolton Street – 12
  • Central Quad – 17
  • East Quad – 8
  • Tallaght – 18

What does a Student Councillor do?

Student Councillors attend approximately 7 meetings in an academic year together with 100 other council members to debate and discuss critical student issues and hold the Students’ Union accountable. In Student Council, you can make a true change – you can bring forward issues that you find important to student life for your Students’ Union to work on. You will also meet other students from different courses and campuses, have fun together at the after meetings and it is a great way to get involved in student life.

Councillors debate motions and policies and oversee the work of the Students’ Union. All elected officers report on their work at each Student Council meeting and answer questions on their activities and campaigns.

Student Council Meetings 

Student Council Schedule for the upcoming Academic Year is planned as follows: 

Notice of Meeting & Call for Agenda Items 

Submission Deadline 

Circulation Date 

Pre-Meeting Date 


Meeting Date  

(all commence at 6pm) 

23rd January 

31st January 

6th February 

7th February 

Tuesday 13th February 

7th February 

14th February 

21st February 

22nd February 

Wednesday 28th February 

26th February 

4th March 

6th March  

7th March 

Part-Time Officer and USI Candidates Hustings

Wednesday 13th March 

26th March 

2nd April 

9th April 

10th April 

Tuesday 16th April 









Useful Student Council Documents