Census Enumerators

Jobs Available
Census Enumerators
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Census Enumerators

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) needs 5,100 census enumerators to work on next year’s census, which will take place on Sunday 3 April 2022. The positions are available nationwide.

Enumerators are responsible for delivering and collecting census forms to every household in their area (approx. 400 households each). Ten-week fixed term contacts will be offered to successful candidates from 28 February until 6 May 2022. The positions come with flexible hours and enumerators will work approximately 22 hours per week.

The recruitment competition will open on Thursday 25 November. Applications will only be accepted online through www.census.ie from then and will remain open until Friday 3 December, or until a quota of 15,000 applications have been received. Early application is advised. Further information about the enumerator jobs can be found at www.census.ie.

We have today posted to you a poster advertising the recruitment competition, and would greatly appreciate if you put it on public display, and help bring the attention of potential applicants to the competition. I am also attaching a copy of the poster in English and Irish, and would also appreciate if you would share these through your networks/social media etc
